Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Places, things, and people

This life is short, make the most of it.
Here is my “bucket list” I made my senior year of high school as a Sociology assignment. Then I figured, what the heck, I made the list, might as well do it.
The highlight tells what I have accomplished already.

  1. Go to London
  2. Climb to the top of the Eifel Tower
  3. Swim in a flooded field
  4. .Learn to snowboard
  5. Go surfing in Hawaii
  6. Try out for American Idol
  7. Graduate design school
  8. Design and build my own home
  9. Meet someone famous (Dawn Wells-aka Maryanne from Gilligan’s Island)
  10. Meet at least 5 famous music artists/bands (Katy Perry, One Republic, The Maine, Plain White T’s, HelloGoodbye, plus many more)
  11. Go to Japan
  12. Graduate College
  13.  Get a 4.0 GPA two years straight
  14. Learn to waterski
  15. Learn to wakeboard
  16. Backpack through Europe
  17. Go to a World Cup game
  18. Go to the Olympics (2002 Winter Olympics SLC, UT)
  19. Finish the Pharmacy Technician program at the DATC
  20. Adopt a child
  21. Live in London at least a year
  22. Ride on top of a double decker bus
  23.  Drive a car in England
  24. Ride the world’s tallest roller coaster (at the time: Top Thrill Dragster, Cedar Point, OH)
  25. Go to Waldo, FL
  26. Go to Gettysburg, PA
  27. Own a 1965 blue Mustang
  28. Own 20 pairs of Converse
  29.  Design my own wedding dress
  30. Visit 15 castles
  31. Go to Disneyland
  32. Swim with dolphins
  33. Go scuba diving
  34. Go to Disney World
  35. Go to Hell and back (Hell, Michigan)
  36. Go skydiving
  37. Take a hot air balloon ride
  38. Get a tattoo
  39. Learn German
  40. Go to Costa Rica
  41. See the Northern Lights
  42. Go to Stratford-Upon-Avon
  43. See a famous person’s grave (Brian Jones)
  44. Visit Bath, England
  45. See Jane Austen’s house
  46.  Visit Stonehenge
  47. Discover the truth about JFK’s death (records to be released in 2017)
  48. Go river rafting
  49. Go to the shoe museum in Toronto, Canada
  50. See a bear outside of the zoo
  51. Visit the Tower of London
  52. Go shopping in London
  53. Go shopping in Paris
  54. Go shopping in NYC
  55. Go horseback riding
  56. See Old Faithful
  57.  Learn to fly an airplane
  58. Fly across the ocean (England trip = 12hr flight)
  59. Get a motorists license
  60. Ride an elephant
  61. Go to Angel Falls
  62. Ride the world’s longest roller coaster
  63. Ride the world’s fastest roller coaster (at the time: Top Thrill Dragster)
  64. Go drag racing
  65.  Spend an entire day at the beach
  66. Eat a Big Judd (1lb hamburger with everything on it-Rexburg, ID)
  67. Ride the New York, New York roller coaster
  68. Go bungee jumping
  69. Ride the Stratosphere roller coasters
  70. Go cliff jumping
  71. Run a marathon
  72. Pass Chemistry (Junior year)
  73. Have an all-day Disney Movie Marathon
  74. Stay awake for 72 hours with no assistance (i.e. caffeine, sugar, etc.)
  75. Break my left arm
  76. Get in a bad car accident
  77. Talk in a British accent for a day
  78. Draw a mural in sidewalk chalk (Austin’s driveway)
  79. Dye my hair pink
  80. Dye my hair blue
  81. Go sledding on something other than a sled (pizza pans, cookie sheets, a mattress)
  82. Road trip coast to coast
  83. Go to Fiji
  84. Get in a fist fight
  85. Go ice blocking
  86. Learn to play guitar
  87. Sing for a band
  88. Be a little kid for a day
  89. Spend a day in the life of a stranger
  90. Career as an Interior Designer
  91. Go swimming in a pond
  92. Go fishing
  93. Go mountain climbing
  94. Go repelling
  95. Pay for a pizza in pennies
  96. Get a pet chinchilla
  97. Design a room around gum wrappers
  98. Own a vintage dress (1920’s swing dress)
  99. Go to Rome
  100. Pass the National Pharmacy Technician test
  101. Accomplish this list before I die
45 down, 56 to go.
Wish me luck.


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