This life is short, make the most of it.
Here is my “bucket list” I made my senior year of high school as a Sociology assignment. Then I figured, what the heck, I made the list, might as well do it.
The highlight tells what I have accomplished already.
- Go to London
- Climb to the top of the Eifel Tower
- Swim in a flooded field
- .Learn to snowboard
- Go surfing in Hawaii
- Try out for American Idol
- Graduate design school
- Design and build my own home
- Meet someone famous (Dawn Wells-aka Maryanne from Gilligan’s Island)
- Meet at least 5 famous music artists/bands (Katy Perry, One Republic, The Maine, Plain White T’s, HelloGoodbye, plus many more)
- Go to Japan
- Graduate College
- Get a 4.0 GPA two years straight
- Learn to waterski
- Learn to wakeboard
- Backpack through Europe
- Go to a World Cup game
- Go to the Olympics (2002 Winter Olympics SLC, UT)
- Finish the Pharmacy Technician program at the DATC
- Adopt a child
- Live in London at least a year
- Ride on top of a double decker bus
- Drive a car in England
- Ride the world’s tallest roller coaster (at the time: Top Thrill Dragster, Cedar Point, OH)
- Go to Waldo, FL
- Go to Gettysburg, PA
- Own a 1965 blue Mustang
- Own 20 pairs of Converse
- Design my own wedding dress
- Visit 15 castles
- Go to Disneyland
- Swim with dolphins
- Go scuba diving
- Go to Disney World
- Go to Hell and back (Hell, Michigan)
- Go skydiving
- Take a hot air balloon ride
- Get a tattoo
- Learn German
- Go to Costa Rica
- See the Northern Lights
- Go to Stratford-Upon-Avon
- See a famous person’s grave (Brian Jones)
- Visit Bath, England
- See Jane Austen’s house
- Visit Stonehenge
- Discover the truth about JFK’s death (records to be released in 2017)
- Go river rafting
- Go to the shoe museum in Toronto, Canada
- See a bear outside of the zoo
- Visit the Tower of London
- Go shopping in London
- Go shopping in Paris
- Go shopping in NYC
- Go horseback riding
- See Old Faithful
- Learn to fly an airplane
- Fly across the ocean (England trip = 12hr flight)
- Get a motorists license
- Ride an elephant
- Go to Angel Falls
- Ride the world’s longest roller coaster
- Ride the world’s fastest roller coaster (at the time: Top Thrill Dragster)
- Go drag racing
- Spend an entire day at the beach
- Eat a Big Judd (1lb hamburger with everything on it-Rexburg, ID)
- Ride the New York, New York roller coaster
- Go bungee jumping
- Ride the Stratosphere roller coasters
- Go cliff jumping
- Run a marathon
- Pass Chemistry (Junior year)
- Have an all-day Disney Movie Marathon
- Stay awake for 72 hours with no assistance (i.e. caffeine, sugar, etc.)
- Break my left arm
- Get in a bad car accident
- Talk in a British accent for a day
- Draw a mural in sidewalk chalk (Austin’s driveway)
- Dye my hair pink
- Dye my hair blue
- Go sledding on something other than a sled (pizza pans, cookie sheets, a mattress)
- Road trip coast to coast
- Go to Fiji
- Get in a fist fight
- Go ice blocking
- Learn to play guitar
- Sing for a band
- Be a little kid for a day
- Spend a day in the life of a stranger
- Career as an Interior Designer
- Go swimming in a pond
- Go fishing
- Go mountain climbing
- Go repelling
- Pay for a pizza in pennies
- Get a pet chinchilla
- Design a room around gum wrappers
- Own a vintage dress (1920’s swing dress)
- Go to Rome
- Pass the National Pharmacy Technician test
- Accomplish this list before I die
45 down, 56 to go.
Wish me luck.
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