Monday, March 18, 2013

Monday's are hard.

Please just enjoy some mindless fun. Because Monday's are hard. 

Now go about your day. You're welcome.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Where do you find it?

Colors, shapes, buildings, nature, and people. We're around all of these and more every day. So what sparks the inspiration for people to come up with ideas, designs, and even art? I came across the above quote on Pinterest (go figure), but it's really stuck in my mind the past few days. Why? Because I think it's incredibly true. I think that we all see the world in a different light and that no light is exactly the same as another. There's always a new bright, dark, and in between way of seeing things, but they're all different.

Inspiration is everywhere. We've all heard this timeless quote, and it's so true. I pull from everything I see, and even think, on a daily basis from the simplest of things to the more complex concepts. We all think differently and the world is such an amazing place. There is always something new to see, even the same things can bring new inspiration to you, it all depends on how you look at it.
For example: a lot of people think that graffiti is simply ugly vandalism. However, I think it is one of the most beautiful forms of art. Granted a lot of it can be bad, but when it's good? It's really good. This isn't a recent view of mine, I've always loved it, even when I was little. My favorite thing was being stopped at a train, watching the cars go by, and seeing the colors painted on the sides. Not everyone thinks this way, and that's okay, to each their own.
So, I have a question for all you readers.

What brings you inspiration?

Now, you don't have to comment if you don't want (but it would be nice), but think about it. Get the creative juices flowing. Think in new ways, express yourself, and, above all, be the creative person you were born to be. Challenge yourself, even if you don't think you can. 

Take your crayons back and help decorate this world, no matter what light you see it in.