This one's for my sister. She has had a pretty bad rash all over for quite sometime now and it hasn't been fun. It's been itchy and doesn't look the best either. Today she found out what it is. It's called Psoriasis. I won't put a picture up, but if you want to search it you can. Basically it causes her body to make skin faster than it can get rid of it, apparently it's pretty common and doesn't show because of clothing that is able to cover it (obviously, it's clothes). However, even though no one can see it, that doesn't mean it's not there. It's something that can be possibly be reduced by medications and things like that, but it's there for life.
Today I got to listen to my sister talk to me about the way it makes her feel, and, if you have already searched it, you can understand that it wouldn't be the greatest feeling in the world. But that doesn't matter in this case, because I know my sister. She doesn't take shit from anyone and she's not about to take it from some skin disease either. It doesn't matter how she looks because she is who she's always been. She's dealt with worse things and this won't be the last one either. It's just one more thing that is added to the list.
Everyone struggles with things. But it could be worse. In this case, Sarah had a biopsy done. It was being tested for cancer. It's not cancer. It's not worse. It won't kill her. It just looks gross.
For everyone struggling with something, always remember that IT COULD BE WORSE. Yes, I know that it is not always the case, some people are going through some pretty life changing things right now and my heart goes out to them too. But those aren't the kinds of things I'm talking about. I'm talking about the people that are struggling with school or a low paying job or being sick for a while or struggling with finances, things like that. It could be worse. You could not be able to afford school, or not have a job, or be in the hospital, or not have enough money to afford to eat.
Life is to short not to look on the bright side. This one is for my sister:
You are beautiful. It doesn't matter what's on your skin or what anyone else thinks of it. You know it doesn't look good and that no one else thinks it looks good either, but that doesn't matter. You are who you are. You are Sarah. You are my sister. You are strong and I know you can deal with this. Don't let anyone tell you it's ugly because guess what? It's on your body and your body is you and YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL.
End of story.
This picture is for my sister and for anyone else who thinks that one little thing makes them un-beautiful. Don't believe it.